So what is this Transformation Talk about?
If there's one big relevant change in the business world in the last several years, it's transformation...
You hear it from every angle,
Transform your business
Transform what you do
Transform how you do it
Transform your people
Transform yourself
... We're living in the transformation era.
We know that so many people are interested in this topic... ourselves included. So we set out to find a place that shares the best of the best from transformation. Somewhere we can learn from candid conversations with leaders who are embracing the power of transformation. We wanted to learn from their journey, their triumphs, and their challenges.
So we looked around and.... nothing. NOTHING!
We started talking about this problem and we were like, why not make it? Why not start something with down-to-earth, real conversations pulling back the curtain on stories of transformation. Reducing buzzwords and pie in the sky strategic plans to bite-sized but impactful discussions. So that's the goal of transformation talk, relatable, industry-agnostic conversations that we can all learn from - from students to executives.
We’ve built a lineup of fantastic guests from all walks of life to share their stories and demystify this word, this goal, this action, transformation.
We hope you subscribe and join us on this transformative (pun intended) journey - and don’t be selfish share this with a friend or colleague as well.
Oh, the last thing - if you know someone who is who would make a great guest on the podcast, be sure to send us a note at
Catch you at our next conversation,
Evan and Brandon